Alicia has been to Poland for exercise, gratifying for body and soul

Many thanks again for your consideration and the contribution for Alicia.

Alicia has participated in an exercise program at Masgutova in Poland ( )for two weeks. Everything went very well and we see that this kind of intensive program adds essential stimulation that her body and soul want. Alicia and her parents are very grateful for the contribution for an important trip to Poland for intensive exercise for Alicia and new knowledge for her parents. 

Alicia’s father tells. “ What is the most important thing about this exercise is that we her parents get lots of  instructions and material to be used at home. We have a vision that Alicia will participate more frequently and maybe for a longer period of time, circumstances permitting.We can see how happy this makes Alicia. Her disability makes her unable to move on her own accord and all stimulation must be given by movement in rehabilitation. We see an immediate effect.