Support us
We are grateful for your kind contribution and will make sure reaches the ones who need it the most.
About your donation
We ensure that all administrative costs are kept at a minimum level and that your donation really reaches the children.
Your donations reach the children and youth. Some administrative fees such as bank fees are mandatory, but apart from that we bare no extra costs or allowances for Board membrers etc. You can be sure that your contribution will make a difference!
You can read about the initiatives we have supported on Facebook, Instagram and in our Newsletter.
Please send your donation through Swish:
123 900 3666
Donation through Plusgiro
Please send your donation through plusgiro:
900366-6 3666
Donations from outside Sweden
Bank: Nordea
Account (Postgiro): 900366-6. IBAN: SE67 9500 0099 6034 0900 3666 BIC: NDEASESS
Monthly donations
Some banks do not accept recurring payments to a 90-account, then following nummer can be used:
9960 3409003666 i Nordea. This is of course also linked to the account supervised by Svensk Insamlingskontroll.
A donation as a gift
Make a donation to the Fund as a gift to someone for Christmas, birthdays or any other occasion. Here you can print our gift card to hand over and add your personal greeting to.